Bulletin Jan 12, 2025
Welcome to Ridge Pointe!
It is our hope today that you will sense our love and devotion for God, our love of great worship music to God, and our love of the timeless and powerful Word of God. Have a blessed day as you worship with us!
Memory Verse
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Believers are under a different call to giving than Old Testament saints, the 10% tithe given in the Law is not our guideline, as free people we have no limit or minimum, we are to give all that we can give joyfully! The Lord will reward those who participate in ministry whether they participate directly or through gifts of money or other resources.
Ladies Bible Study
The ladies bible study is on Wednesday at 10:30 am. You will meet in the JOY classroom. See Marilyn Kottemann for more information.
Monthly Luncheon
The monthly luncheon will be on the 26th. It is potluck. There is a sign up sheet on the table outside the church office.
Ridge Pointe Fellowship Elders
Today each of our elders will be sharing a few words of encouragement and exhortation from the Word of God and their hearts. Gary Crabtree, Jamey Key, Jeff Murrey and Robert Searle will speak and then our assistant pastor and elder Trent Muller will bring his message. All of this is to bring us encouragement as
we begin the new year here at Ridge Pointe. May we all listen with our hearts as well as our ears
we begin the new year here at Ridge Pointe. May we all listen with our hearts as well as our ears
2025 Giving Totals
Weekly Budget Amount $3,500.00
Amount Given Last Week $1,945.00
Year to Date Budget $3,500.00
Year to Date Giving $1,945.00
Missions Project $30.00
Amount Given Last Week $1,945.00
Year to Date Budget $3,500.00
Year to Date Giving $1,945.00
Missions Project $30.00
Ridge Pointe Internet/Phone Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wednesday Evening 7:00PM
We hope you will join us online and enjoy our time of fellowship, prayer and a short devotion from God’s Word. Download the app “GoToMeeting.” Go here: http://global.gotomeeting.com/install/454076013.
Then, join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday night from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Go here:
You can also dial in using a landline or cell phone: Dial: 1–646–749–3122, then enter Access Code: 454–076–013
We hope you will join us online and enjoy our time of fellowship, prayer and a short devotion from God’s Word. Download the app “GoToMeeting.” Go here: http://global.gotomeeting.com/install/454076013.
Then, join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday night from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Go here:
You can also dial in using a landline or cell phone: Dial: 1–646–749–3122, then enter Access Code: 454–076–013
Ways to Give in 2025
First, you may donate to God’s kingdom work online by going to the website at www.ridgepointefellowship.com and clicking on the menu item at the top right listed as GIVE. Simply fill out the form provided, and the rest is easy. You can also access this form by texting “Give” to 972-656-0445.
Second, you may give by using the app ZELLE. Simply enter the email: ridge.pointe.church@gmail.com to give.
Third, as always, if you are attending in person, you may give by cash or check directly in the offering boxes located at the entrances to the sanctuary. One is in the back foyer, the other is just outside the entry door of the sanctuary. Thank you so much for your faithful generosity to God’s kingdom work!
“God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Second, you may give by using the app ZELLE. Simply enter the email: ridge.pointe.church@gmail.com to give.
Third, as always, if you are attending in person, you may give by cash or check directly in the offering boxes located at the entrances to the sanctuary. One is in the back foyer, the other is just outside the entry door of the sanctuary. Thank you so much for your faithful generosity to God’s kingdom work!
“God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).