Bulletin July 21, 2024

Welcome to Ridge Pointe!
It is our hope today that you will sense our love and devotion for God, our love of great worship music to God, and our love of the timeless and powerful Word of God. Have a blessed day as you worship with us!
Memory Verse
This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men (Titus 3:8).
The faithful truths that Paul has shared with Titus should be constantly reinforced to the growing and vulnerable believers in Crete. Maintaining a lifestyle of good works is not part of the eternal salvation process but rather a profitable reaction to the free gift of life we’ve been blessed with! As we walk, we represent to those unbelievers around us the body of Christ, we are called to be excellent ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.
Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday morning at 10:30. Meet in the JOY classroom.
Happy Birthday
Carolyn Metz               24th
Vacation Bible School
July 29th -Aug.2nd. 6:00-8:00 PM. Registration forms are available on the table outside the church office. Children ages 2 through 10 are encouraged to attend.
Monthly Luncheon
The luncheon will be on July 28th, following the worship service.
2024 Giving Totals
Weekly Budget Amount             $3,500.00
Amount Given Last Week            $2,105.00
Year to Date Budget                 $98,000.00
Year to Date Giving                   $70,086.81
Missions Project                             $870.00
Online RPF Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Wednesday @7:00PM
We hope you will join us ONLINE and enjoy our time of fellowship, prayer and a short devotion from God’s Word.
If you’re new to using the app “GoToMeeting,” get it to be ready when our meeting starts. Go here:
http://global.gotomeeting.com/install/454076013. Then, to join our Prayer Meeting @ 7PM on Wednesday
night from your computer, tablet or smartphone, go here: https://www.gotomeet.me/RidgePointeFellowship.
You can also dial in using a landline or cell phone: Dial: 1(646)749-3122, then enter Access Code: 454-076-013.
Ways to Give in 2024
First, you may donate to God’s kingdom work ONLINE by going to the website at ridgepointefellowship.com and
clicking on the menu item at the top right listed as: “Give”. Simply fill out the form provided, and the rest is easy. You
can also access this form by texting “Give” to 972-656-0445.
Another way to give is by using the app ZELLE. Simply enter the email: ridge.pointe.church@gmail.com to give.
Finally, as always, if you are attending in person you may give by cash or check DIRECTLY in the offering boxes
located just outside the sanctuary. One is in the back foyer; the other is just outside the entry door of the sanctuary.
Thanks always for your generosity to God’s kingdom work!